
Install Windows Mail and Windows Calendar on Windows 7

  1. On Windows 7, go to the Windows Mail programs folder. This can be found on programs on C drive. Before you install Windows Mail from Windows Vista, first you have to delete the Windows 7's Windows Mail program file. So what you have to do to install Windows Mail on Windows 7 is to delete the Windows 7 Windows Mail program file, and replace it with the Windows Mail program file from Windows Vista.
  2. The Windows Mail program file in Windows 7 is locked by Windows. Try to delete the program file and Windows won't let you do it. So in order to delete the Windows 7's Windows Mail program file, you have to either-download and install Take Ownership. Which lets you take take ownership of any file and then you can delete it. Or-You can download and install Unlocker, which unlocks and deletes any program file.
  3. Delete the Windows 7 Windows Mail program file. You can do this using either Take Ownership or Unlocker.
  4. Once the Windows 7 Windows Mail program file is deleted, go to your Windows Vista computer. You now need to transfer both the Windows Mail and Windows Calendar program files from your Windows Vista computer onto your Windows 7 computer. To get both program files onto Windows 7,first copy both the Windows Mail and Windows Calendar program files into your My Documents folder. And then right click with your mouse and select "send to zip folder." Now you should have a zip file of both Windows Mail and Windows Calendar.
  5. To transfer both the Windows Mail and Windows Calendar program files from Windows Vista onto Windows 7, do one of the following- Transfer both Windows Mail and Windows Calendar zip files from your Windows Vista computer onto your Windows 7 computer using Microsoft Shared View or Team Viewer. This enables you to transfer files from one computer to the other computer. OR upload both zip files to an online file sharing site like Mediafire. And then download both zip files onto your Windows 7 computer. OR transfer both files from your Windows Vista computer onto your Windows 7 computer using a thumb drive. Save both files to Desktop or Downloads folder.
  6. On Windows 7 go to where you have save both zip files,either on Desktop or Downloads folder. To install Windows Mail-unzip and extract the files to programs on C drive. Go to programs and you should now see a file named Windows Mail. Open the Windows Mail program file and you should see a file called Winmail. Send this to your desktop as a shortcut. Windows Mail is now installed.To install Windows Calendar unzip and extract the files to Programs on C drive and make a new folder. Go to programs and you should see a file named New Folder. Now rename New Folder Windows Calendar. Now open the Windows Calendar folder and look for the file named Wincal. Send this shortcut to your desktop. Windows Calendar is now installed.
  7. If you do not have a Windows Vista computer you can download both Windows Mail and Windows Calendar from the Internet. And there are also additional registry files you can download to both disable or enable the splash screen on Windows Mail, and to set it as the default email program.
  8. Both Windows Mail and Windows Calendar are now installed and working on Windows 7.

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