1. Get a library card. If you are using a library computer, you will probably have to have a library card. These are usually free, if you ask at the front desk. If you are using a school computer, make sure you have permission to use it. In both cases, use a computer the farthest out of the way.
2. Sign up to use the computer, if necessary.
3. Log onto the computer. Now you need to unlock the command prompt. To do this, go to notepad. Type in, command.com. Save it on your desktop as cmd.bat. Make sure when you save it, that you select the save as type "All Files"
4. Now the command prompt is unlocked, you need to start a new notepad file.Open a new notepad and type in exactly what you see:
@echo off-net user USERNAME PASSWORD /add-goto admin-:admin0net localgroup administrators USERNAME /add-pause
Save it as a .bat file as well on the desktop. When you open this file, a command prompt window should come up and say the command completed successfully. If it said that, you are finished. If it says "System Error 5 has occurred. Access is denied" follow the following steps:
To get around System Error 5, go to the start menu, and click on your user picture. Hit back, and click "Turn user account control on or off" If the box is unchecked, check it and restart your computer.
When you restart it, run command prompt. Try a user or network command. It should say "the command completed successfully".
Now try the desktop icon again. It should now work.
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