- Open the Command Prompt
- Go to your Start Menu. Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
- Type into the Command Prompt window:
- And hit enter.
only need to do this once and never again. Read about it here:http://docs.python.org/tutorial/interpreter.html
- Download simplejson at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson
- This is a simplejson-2.1.6.tar.gz file,
which in Windows language means it is a strange and otherworldly kind of
zip file.
- To open the *tar.gz file, download PeaZip
for Windows http://peazip.org/
- Use PeaZip to extract (uncompress / unzip)
simplejson-2.1.6.tar.gz into your Download directory.
- You should end up with something similar to
- Go back to your Command Prompt window or open
a new one.
- You'll need to change directories in the
command line and here's how you do that (http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/ice-gt/339
- When you start, your command line should look
something like this:
- You want to get into the simplejson-2.1.6 directory, so at the command prompt type this:
- cd downloads\simplejson-2.1.6
or the complete path:
cd c:\Users\pdxNat\Downloads\simplejson-2.1.6
- Your prompt will change from this
- c:\Users\pdxNat>
- to this
- c:\Users\pdxNat\Downloads\simplejson-2.1.6>
- Now for the fun part. Inside that simplejson directory there is a file called setup.py. We're going to install that into the Python universe. Type this into the Command Prompt :
- For Windows 7 64 bit users, type: setup.py install. For other windows users type: python setup.py install
- See all that stuff flying by? Forget about it. Open a Windows Explorer window (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer ) and go have a look inside the directory at C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\
- You'll see simplejson-2.1.6-py2.7.egg has been added to the directory.
- Now open IDLE (Start > All Programs > Python 2.7 > IDLE (Python GUI)) and type the following:
- >>> import simplejson
- See all that nothing that happens? That's your sign of success. Congratulations.
- You've just installed and imported your first package for Python on Windows 7.
- Repeat as needed.
- For more information
- http://docs.python.org/tutorial/index.html
- http://www.python-forum.org
- -Download a package
- -Extract the package
- -Open Command Prompt
- -set path (1st time only)
- -change directory to Download\package\
- -type >python setup.py install
- -smile
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