
Get the Windows Sidebar Back on Windows 7

  1. Make sure Windows gadgets is turned on in Windows program features.
  2. On your Windows Vista computer go to Programs on C drive. Copy the Windows Sidebar program file and paste it into My Documents folder. Then go to My Documents folder,right click with your mouse and click"send to zip folder." This creates a zip installer file.
  3. Transfer the zip file from your Windows Vista computer onto your Windows 7 computer by using Microsoft Shared View or Team Viewer. Which enables you to transfer files from one computer to the other.OR upload the zip file to an online file sharing and storage site like Mediafire, and download onto your Windows 7 computer.OR transfer the file using a thumb drive.
  4. On Windows 7 go to the Windows Sidebar zip file you have just downloaded or transferred onto your computer. Unzip and extract the files to programs on C drive and make a new folder. It is important that you make a new folder because the Windows Gadgets program file is also called Windows Sidebar. So if you do not do this the other program file will be replaced with the new one but you need both files.Now go to Programs on c drive and you should see a file called New Folder. Rename New Folder Vista Sidebar.
  5. Open the Vista Sidebar folder and send the Windows Sidebar shortcut to your desktop. You can also pin the shortcut to the start menu and taskbar.
  6. Windows Sidebar is now installed on Windows 7. And works the same way it does in Windows Vista. And you can add gadgets to it.

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